Eni Juvenile, a gifted artist hailing from Guatemala, embarked on his rap journey at the age of 14. Since then, he has displayed his remarkable musical range by venturing into various genres including Boombap, RKT, Reggaeton, Hip-Hop, and Trap.
Remarkably, despite being only 16 years old, Eni has already cultivated an impressive following with more than 6 million monthly listeners on Spotify. This loyal fan base continues to grow exponentially day by day, serving as a testament to his undeniable talent and versatility in the realm of music.
Notably, Eni has not only captivated audiences with his solo work but has also accomplished notable collaborations with established artists—an achievement that is even more remarkable in the context of it still being 2022.
Looking ahead, fans can eagerly anticipate an exciting release of over 10 songs spanning distinct genres in 2024. With Eni’s unyielding dedication and unwavering commitment to his craft, there is no doubt that he will continue to push boundaries and leave a lasting impact on the music industry.
features songs …
Hip Hop Bulla – [hip hop, rap]
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- mysoundMusic new songs but explicit
- it’s a Hip Hop playlist
- HipHop Limelight
- pssssst … it’s explicit in here
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Hh (interlude) – [hip hop, rap]
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